#I want to take you to the gay bar lyrics license#Īrtistic License � Biology: 'Every barracuda starts out as a guppy.'.Arms Dealer: Whoever's singing 'Naked Pictures (Of Your Mother)'.On the album Mustang, Dick had a real thing for the word Dragon, it is used in several of the songs, most notably in the scaly anthem 'Jessica Dresses Like A Dragon'.
'I invented the night', 'you must obey the dance commander', 'you know that my suit costs more than your house', 'I will freak you like you've never been freaked before'.The party leader in 'Down at McDonnelzzz' boasting that 'The leader's gonna make you party/Preventing you from departing.'.Badass Boast: 'But you can't ignore my techno.'.Auto Erotica: Played straight in a spoken word snippet of 'I'm The Bomb.' Off the same album, 'Getting Into The Jam' repeatedly mentions the narrator's plan to 'make it in my car' with a woman.
#I want to take you to the gay bar lyrics license#īar Brawl: One erupts as Dick passes by a bar in the video to 'There's Something Very Wrong With Us Tonight.'.Suffice it to say they're very fond of these.